I’ve been using ChatGPT (OpenAI’s conversational chat application) since it came out in late 2022, both in work and personal contexts. It should be obvious to anyone whose experimented with it how its a leap in web call/search and response capability. It’s a “game changer”. That said, let’s ensure technology remains just a sidekick, not […]
Communication Breakdown – A day-in-the-life story of a home care service provider
So much of our daily conflicts have communication breakdown as their root cause. By improving our communication skills, our abilities to “make common”, we give ourselves a huge leg up, when it comes to working with others and effectively managing conflict. Jennie’s story Jennie is a home care service provider. Her job is to provide […]
A Care Grid Vision – Applying Principles of the Electricity Grid to Elder Care
What to do… What to do? When it comes to the elder care time bomb, we know the cost of caring for the elderly; the graph accelerates sharply as we approach the end. The chart below is for Canada. The scenario is common around a good chunk of the ‘Western’ world. These scenarios are unsustainable. […]
3 Ways a Leader Can Increase Cooperation Between Departments
When it comes to fostering innovation, a survey of 3,600 executives globally put “increase cooperation between departments” at the top of their list. That was one of the research findings, by info tech mega corp, EMC, on the Information Generation. The following chart, summarizes the respondents take on “How to Increase Innovation”, and was part of the […]