How WestJet could improve their communications around service dogs

A newsy item this week, where I live, was about a Vancouver Island family that spoke with the media (CBC) after they couldn’t fly with their son’s service dog. This story struck me as all too familiar. Communications gone awry.  If ‘communications’ is about getting on the same page, the participants in this conflict weren’t. […]

The Trust Menu: A constructive response to broken trust and damaged relationships

Sometimes, you come across opposing politicians exhibiting civil constructive dialogue and you go, wow – I didn’t know that was possible. From a recent exchange in Canada’s parliament, involving members Charlie Angus and Sean Fraser (Minister of Housing), on the topic of funding for homeless: Now, if we could get the same level of civil […]

Premortem Analysis: The pathway to better team chemistry and project outcomes

“Why didn’t you speak up about that, at the time? This project has turned into a disaster.” Having spent a good chunk of my professional life in the project world, I’ve both asked that question, and, sigh, been the one having to answer that question. Projects fail, often, if not at a spectacular rate. One […]

LADDERS: A Model for Scaling Constructive Behaviours in Your Organization

“It’s important that we reach out to them, and see it from their perspective.” “We need to be able to speak up, express our emotions, and say what’s on our mind.” “Let’s reflect on that option. I’m sure that with a bit of creative re-jigging, we can find a better solution.” Those are all constructive  […]