Conflict Avoidance in the light of Weber’s law

I have a history of conflict avoidance. That avoidance tendency germinated in my early childhood. My parents weren’t a happy couple. Their open conflict played out in me not wanting anything to do with conflict. My early avoidance ways got hardwired in my neural circuitry. They’ll only die when I do. That said, over the […]

Generative AI: Why nonprofits should use and learn it

I’ve been using ChatGPT (OpenAI’s conversational chat application) since it came out in late 2022, both in work and personal contexts. It should be obvious to anyone whose experimented with it how its a leap in web call/search and response capability. It’s a “game changer”. That said, let’s ensure technology remains just a sidekick, not […]

How going “gender-free” is changing the Victoria Contra Dance community

This past Saturday night, I was at my local Victoria Contra Dance, dancing “gender-free”. Aside from the pandemic years, I’ve been attending these dances for 15+ years. When I go, I’m there solely as a dancer. In earlier times, I was part of a Celtic band that played for the dancers. Miss those days, yet […]

Upcoming Victoria workshop to help you embrace and implement a culture of “speaking up”

It seems to me that every workplace employer I’ve interacted with over the last couple of years has mentioned how challenging it can sometimes be for their employees (and sometimes, themselves!) to authentically “speak up”. Speaking Up Speaking up is more than just “speaking truth to power”. It’s about improving team performance by engaging in […]

LADDERS: A Model for Scaling Constructive Behaviours in Your Organization

“It’s important that we reach out to them, and see it from their perspective.” “We need to be able to speak up, express our emotions, and say what’s on our mind.” “Let’s reflect on that option. I’m sure that with a bit of creative re-jigging, we can find a better solution.” Those are all constructive  […]