As part of the City of Victoria’s 10-Year Official Community Plan (OCP) Update, last Saturday, I attended an OCP engagement event at my local (James Bay Neighbourhood) community centre. Like many urban neighbourhoods, mine is diverse. There’s a range of people, places and opinions. A common divergence of opinion that comes up circles around the […]
Consider Maslow’s hierarchy in response to NIMBY development concerns
How going “gender-free” is changing the Victoria Contra Dance community
This past Saturday night, I was at my local Victoria Contra Dance, dancing “gender-free”. Aside from the pandemic years, I’ve been attending these dances for 15+ years. When I go, I’m there solely as a dancer. In earlier times, I was part of a Celtic band that played for the dancers. Miss those days, yet […]
Field notes on advocating for low-income seniors
Mabel is direct in her communications. Aged 67, of low-income, her tenancy at-risk, and loaded with all sorts of health concerns, Mabel leaves no doubts. She isn’t ready to give up. She wants to maintain her independence for as long as possible. She just needs help doing that. Seniors’ Entitlement Services Mabel’s attitude typifies that […]
Conflict in my neighbourhood and on the high seas
This picture below is from a feature article in (UK’s) The Guardian last July. This is where I live. The breakwater walkway on the left side of the picture is a 10 minute walk from my James Bay neighbourhood residence in Victoria. Across the waters rise up the Olympic Mountains. A beautiful landscape, except… The […]
Data tells the stories that we just can’t see
For the last ten months, I’ve been coordinating, on a part-time basis, a program that provides advocacy services, for seniors. I also do a bit of the advocacy work, myself. The program operates out of a vibrant local community centre and serves seniors in five municipalities, including Victoria and Saanich. (Aside – as a veteran mediator, […]