How going “gender-free” is changing the Victoria Contra Dance community

This past Saturday night, I was at my local Victoria Contra Dance, dancing “gender-free”. Aside from the pandemic years, I’ve been attending these dances for 15+ years. When I go, I’m there solely as a dancer. In earlier times, I was part of a Celtic band that played for the dancers. Miss those days, yet […]

Summer, jazz, and lessons learned

Summer and festivals go together. I’ve been volunteering this week at Jazzfest, the Victoria International Jazz Festival. It’s the 27th annual. It’s a great festival.  I’ve volunteered other years, too.  It’s one way I show my appreciation for what jazz has given me. Jazzfest, the festival The Victoria Jazz Society is a professional arts organization […]

Learn through virtuous moments

“We learn some of the most important lessons in our lives in very short moments.” We know that.  When you want to learn something new, and put the hammer down, trying to force learning, it rarely works.  As fatigue sets in, our I’ll do this 10 times, turns into 20, then 30, and before long, […]

Good-bye to Warren Argo and Bob Boardman: May your spirits live on!

One of my favourite events is the Festival of American Fiddle Tunes, located at Fort Worden State Park in Port Townsend, Washington, and not all that far from my home in Victoria.  Fiddle Tunes is a celebration of music, dance, tradition and community.  I’ve attended a number of times, and previously posted the many reasons […]

11 Good reasons to support your community dance

While we’re investing in building and nurturing collaborative habits, let’s not forget that many tight-knit communities have learned, survived, and prospered, by working AND playing together.  So, let me suggest something for the playing, community dancing. 11 reasons why I’m a big fan of traditional, community-oriented music and dance.  I previously shared my reasons why […]