Complement public hearings renovation with a mutual benefit approach

Uytae Lee, from About Here, in partnership with SFU’s Renovate the Public Hearing Initiative, last week dropped a nifty 15-minute video on Why public hearings are undemocratic (and mostly meaningless).   The video touches on public hearings, why they are problematic, and ways to fix the problems. The video provides good discussion fodder. I summarize […]

Gender through the eyes of a primatologist

Last spring, I retired from staff service with a local community organization, Quadra Village Community Centre. Although the advocacy service I provided over the years was focused on seniors, the Centre offered extensive programming for early childhood, youth, and families. Often, staff team conversations touched on gender. Gaining fluency in terminology that was natural to […]

3 Strategies to adapt from the world of animal communications

I’m a dog owner. Dogs are animals. Humans are animals. What can we learn from our animal friends, and their approach to communication? There is an indigenous saying, “dogs make us human”. Connected to my interests in human communications, I enjoy reading about people who have spent their lives working with animals. They were absorbed […]

Conflict Avoidance in the light of Weber’s law

I have a history of conflict avoidance. That avoidance tendency germinated in my early childhood. My parents weren’t a happy couple. Their open conflict played out in me not wanting anything to do with conflict. My early avoidance ways got hardwired in my neural circuitry. They’ll only die when I do. That said, over the […]

Adversarial Collaboration

Does making more than US$75,000 make you happier? Psychologist Matthew Killingsworth from Wharton Business School’s did research and his data showed that it did. Celebrated Nobel Prize winning professor, and author of Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman’s research said that it didn’t. Kahneman proposed the two adversaries collaborate and discover the truth together. Killingsworth […]