2011 Favourites and Best Wishes for 2012

Happy New Year! Thank you for giving me, and this blog, your attention over the last year.  I’ve enjoyed connecting with you, many of you personally, and look forward to what new beginnings, and continuing adventures, 2012 offers us. Here are the most visited blog posts on Collaborative Journeys in 2011:   Strategies to reduce […]

Who Are You?

Last night, I was out caroling in my neighbourhood.  It was great fun. First we broke bread, i.e. sweets, and hot, spiced apple cider, at the organizer’s house. Someone brought Christmas carol song sheets. We headed out, about 20 of us, young and old. We worked the neighbourhood, looking for houses with lights on, the […]

10 Holiday Gift Book Ideas for the "Mediator" in Your Life

I enjoy reading books.  They are a safe way to explore the ideas and works of others.  And, a really good book is inspiring.  It seems to connect on a personal and emotional level; a connection that can motivate one to further thought and action. Here are ten of the books I read in 2011, […]

I "don't know" and I'm going to run with that

  I felt crappy even before the face-to-face mediation began, this week.  Fighting some seasonal bug, I was hoping the mediation would be a short one, no matter the outcome, and I would soon be on my way home, to a hot apple cider and a bed. It was not a short one.  Yet, what […]

The Cloud and Mobile are the Mediator's future office

I mediated a trans-national business dispute last week.  The mediation took place over several days, and was conducted online, over the Internet.  There was zero physical paper exchanged.  I worked from my laptop, from my home office.  Essentially, all the software I used was based in the “Cloud”, and either free or low-cost.   I’m grateful. […]

Creative Thinkering: Video Book Review

Are you a problem-solver?  Do you find yourself struggling to come up with creative ideas?  Then I recommend you check out Michael Michalko‘s books.  I did. Here’s my video report on his latest book, Creative Thinkering: Putting Your Imagination to Work.  (video not displaying? click here). And, here’s a short summary of some of the […]

Ken Kelly: Connecting Communities in Downtown Victoria

Like any city centre, downtown Victoria is a place where people from different communities intersect; residential, visitor, business, service, cultural.  Each community is diverse. Residents may be living in high-end condos or in short-term residence at Our Place.  Visitors include tourists, local shoppers, and the transient homeless. Businesses range from big bank office to small, […]

Silence: Pattern Interruptus

When conflict is all around, resolution seems distant, and the voices ring loud, sometimes the best way forward is to say nothing silence. As a mediator, I’ve found silence can be an effective pattern interrupt technique, a way to break impasse, especially if the parties in a dispute aren’t listening well, are locked onto negativity, […]

CIIAN: Helping Nations build their conflict resolution capacity

I had a great long-distance conversation with Evan Hoffman this week.  Based in Ottawa, he is Executive Director of the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN), a Canadian NGO, as well as being a Faculty member with the School of Peace and Conflict Management at Royal Roads University. Initially connecting with Evan through Twitter […]

10 Diverse ways to build your capacity to appreciate the Other

My first blogging inclination this week was to write a glorious followup to a post I wrote a year ago, on strategies to reduce the income inequality gap.  Getting into it, I quickly discovered I may have overstretched myself.  Rather than snap, I humbly offer this alternative…   It is through our shared disconnection, that […]