What is Community and who are Community Connectors?

According John McKnight and Peter Block, “community” is a general term to describe what occurs outside systems and institutions. It also refers to an aggregation of people or neighbourhoods that have something in common. … and (from John and Peter), characteristic of “community connectors” are people who are:   Gift centred; see the positive, the […]

Walk Out Walk On: Video Book Review

Walk Out Walk On. What a great title for a book.  It could apply to many things.  Yes? In this post it applies to the latest book from Margaret Wheatley, a book she co-authored with Deborah Frieze.  Both women are associated with the Berkana Institute, an organization that believes “whatever is the problem, community is […]

Grandmothers and Collaborative Learning

[Note: I originally wrote this post, and had it posted a couple of months back, as a guest blogger on Lorie Vela’s excellent Collaboration Ideas blog.  Thanks Lorie.  With children shortly returning to school, and parents, and others, occupied by thoughts of “good learning”, I thought it might be timely to post it again, here.] […]

10 Dispute Resolution Questions asked by a Rainbow Mediator

There are many ways to resolve disputes.  Do a quick global tour of the dispute resolution landscape, and you’ll see just how many.  It’s as if there is a rainbow of options.  The rainbow mediator acknowledges the diverse approaches to resolution, and incorporates key elements into her/his practice.  Kind of a think global, act local. […]

Great collaborative workspaces are designed with diversity in mind

En route between visits to family in Vermont and rural Ontario, I spent a day in Toronto last week.  Toronto is Canada’s most diverse city, and alongside New York, perhaps the most diverse in North America. While in Toronto, I had the good fortune to meet and chat with Tonya Surman, executive director of Canada’s […]

Reduce the gap: Integrate thinking and doing

Sometimes the gap between people seems so big that no common ground exists, no collaborative solution possible. Sort of like the current gap between U.S. Democrat and Republican politicians, negotiating the national debt?  Or maybe the gap in a project team, in which teamwork is just a notion?  Or, maybe the gap between businesses, or […]

11 Reasons why Grandmothers are good Mediators

Let’s leave our dispute resolution expertise aside for a moment.  If I had to package up the skills that a mediator, or anyone tasked with facilitating negotiations, would do well to have, that package might surely remind you of a grandmother you know, or knew.  Here’s why: Grandmothers are good at seeing the positive core […]

How to build dispute resolution capacity in public jurisdictions and systems

Conflict is part of our lives, from Day 1.  Disputes happen; all kinds of disputes.  Public jurisdictions, and systems, should ensure that there are sufficient resources available for people and organizations to resolve disputes.  They should.  Few do. How to build local capacity Larry Susskind is a leading figure in the field of public dispute […]

Summer, jazz, and lessons learned

Summer and festivals go together. I’ve been volunteering this week at Jazzfest, the Victoria International Jazz Festival. It’s the 27th annual. It’s a great festival.  I’ve volunteered other years, too.  It’s one way I show my appreciation for what jazz has given me. Jazzfest, the festival The Victoria Jazz Society is a professional arts organization […]

"Out" your assets to expose your collaborative potential

Each one of us has gifts to offer, whether you’re a bookkeeper, beekeeper, barber.  Do you know the gifts of that person sitting across from you? Do you know what yours are? Your gifts are assets. Identifying and sharing those assets can increase the value of whatever situation, team, organization, neighbourhood, association, city, you are […]