Cultivate a ‘critical thinking’ mindset to improve the quality of your work and life

In the 2018 RBC Royal Bank report, Humans Wanted: How Canadian youth can thrive in the age of disruption, active listening, speaking, critical thinking, and reading comprehension are at the top of the list of “projected skills demands, for all occupations”.  IMHO, of those top four “most important” skills, critical thinking doesn’t get enough attention, […]

Six Christian Principles for Fruitful Collaborative Relationships

My wife works for a church. Through her work, she subscribes to the CCCC Bulletin, a periodical publication of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.  She shared a recent edition with me, knowing it included a worthy piece on collaboration. Thank you, dear! Christian Collaboration: 6 Principles In the April 2018 publication of the CCCC […]

Psychologically androgynous individuals make good collaboration partners

What if you could work or partner with someone whose behavioural response to conflict always seemed right, no matter the situation? They were assertive when needed. They were nurturing when needed. How unique would that be? You’d love collaborating with that individual, right? What would it take to be that individual? Psychological androgyny Men have […]

Meaningful Expressions of Care

When my two kids were growing up, we often watched Mr. Rogers on television. He was authentic. He communicated, and expressed care, in his own unique way. He was special. Mr. Rogers The genial host of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” is being celebrated this year on the 50th anniversary of his first broadcast; with a PBS […]

Take Ownership: 12 Leadership Principles for Better Workplace Relations

How do you get everyone in your workplace on the same behavioural page?   A recent conversation with a local business leader led me to Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win. At first glance, I was reticent to read this book. Yes, the book was about taking ownership, full ownership, of your workplace. […]