Twitter Chats Oct 22 & 24: International Facilitation Week 2013

As part of International Facilitation Week, on October 22, and again on October 24, UK facilitator @MartinGilbraith and I are hosting a Twitter (aka Tweet) chat. Each chat will run for one hour, from 9:00-10:00am PST / 12:00-1:00pm EST / 5:00-6:00pm UK time (GMT +1:00).   Each chat will include 6-8 questions, spaced throughout the hour, for […]

Timeboxing, Collaboration and Personal Time Management

It was (Canada) Thanksgiving Day yesterday.  Food, family, relaxation…  Well mostly, relaxation.  I was still feeling time pressured to get some “work” done.  Timeboxed! Time is our cue to act.   We all know that feeling: the baby is due in one month, the project deadline is tomorrow, Dad just entered palliative care… Better focus your […]

Going with the flow: Nurture your mediator chi with social media

I’m doing a webinar next week (October 22) for Mediate BC.    It’s all about enlisting social media as a path to finding balance and success in our digital age.  It’s oriented to mediators, yet I think it’ll have applicability for facilitators, of all sorts. During the webinar, I’ll take you on a journey; from […]

Webmind: Data mining 24,000 TEDx talks

Ecologist Eric Berlow, founder of Vibrant Data Labs (“Data for Social Good”), and physicist Sean Gourley collaborated to map the spread of ideas using TEDx talks and YouTube data. They mined the data associated with 24,000 TEDx talks, from 147 countries, in 50 different languages, and share their findings in their own 7 minute TED talk.  (hat […]

Cultural diversity in virtual conversations?

Last month, I did a cross-cultural conflict management workshop for the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria.  The participants were all immigrants.  Their time in Canada ranged from weeks to years.  The content focus was the workplace and employment. Culture and conversation patterns One of the concepts I touched on dealt on was cultural differences in […]