Communications and Making “Common” – In Real Life and Virtual

Most of us advocate for better communications between people.   What exactly does it mean though, ‘communications’? Apparently its roots are Latin in origin, and mean to make “common”.   If we think of communications as making common, getting on the same page, then its part and parcel of effective collaboration.   And that making […]

10 Ways Cops Support Community-based Collaboration and Justice

A bunch of things triggered this list, no pun intended. Police operate at the intersection of many different civic and community relationships.  That position offers them many opportunities to influence and mediate, in collaborative ways. 1. Fewer guns:  Many cities/countries (e.g., London/UK) don’t have every police officer carry a firearm.  Could most of Toronto’s cops […]

Why virtual conversation facilitators need to get comfortable using social technologies

Do you facilitate conversations?  And, do you work virtually, or want to, yet need some convincing as to why virtual facilitation skills matter?   Here is my logic case for why and how you should invest some personal learning equity in social technologies.   Communication is about sending and receiving messages. Living beings communicate their message […]

Twitter Chats Oct 22 & 24: International Facilitation Week 2013

As part of International Facilitation Week, on October 22, and again on October 24, UK facilitator @MartinGilbraith and I are hosting a Twitter (aka Tweet) chat. Each chat will run for one hour, from 9:00-10:00am PST / 12:00-1:00pm EST / 5:00-6:00pm UK time (GMT +1:00).   Each chat will include 6-8 questions, spaced throughout the hour, for […]

Going with the flow: Nurture your mediator chi with social media

I’m doing a webinar next week (October 22) for Mediate BC.    It’s all about enlisting social media as a path to finding balance and success in our digital age.  It’s oriented to mediators, yet I think it’ll have applicability for facilitators, of all sorts. During the webinar, I’ll take you on a journey; from […]