If your work involves a computer and regular interaction with others, via the web, consider yourself part of a virtual team, whether you formally call it that, or not. And, in your interactions with your “virtual team”, is it all business, or are some of your conversations of a personal nature? A recent study by […]
Are you talking too much “business” with your virtual work team?
The Future of Work and Multi-Organization Collaboration
Over the last couple of months I’ve been assisting a local foundation that supports not-for-profit initiatives. The project I’m involved with has a HR (human resource) focus, and asks – how can non-profits better collaborate, with each other, to resource and deliver services, to make a difference? So, the jobs/work landscape was on my mind […]
Virtual Dilemmas in Communications and Collaboration
Yesterday, I did a webinar for the BC Human Resource Management Association on the topic of Virtual Collaboration. The webinar attempted to address some of the typical challenges, dilemmas we face, as we try navigate and work together, in the virtual medium; be it using email, text, audio, video… Here’s some of those virtual dilemmas: […]
It’s not your fault: Move forward through collaboration
Things aren’t what they used to be. The church knows that, quite well. Where I live (and odds are, where you live, too), the role of church in society has changed over the last generation. In large, its’ influence in society has decreased, at least if judged by declining church membership and attendance. […]