Participant Reflections on a Game Jam for Collaborative Professionals

I spent last weekend immersed in board games, at the CoRe Jolts Game Jam for Collaborative Professionals.  The event was conceived, organized and hosted by mediator colleague, Sharon Sutherland (@ssuth). I’m not much of a “gamer”.  Yet, I appreciate the power of a well-designed game, be it board or online.   So when I heard […]

Motivate others by creating and sharing your stories of collaboration

We are our stories.   Stories motivate us, for better or worse. Creating the story of your organization or community begs the question… what will you include in your story?  And, how will you connect the dots, the discrete events in your organization or community’s life into some sort of collaborative whole?   The challenge doubles […]

True Collaboration: Thiagi and the Telephone Game

We learn through play.  And learning collaboration need be no different.  Thiagi (aka Sivasailam Thiagarajani) is a master at creating engaging games for learning collaboration.  Below is one of his games, ‘Surprising Sentence’, that I’ve re-printed (with permission of course) from his latest newsletter.  I thought it a great example of learning by playing.  And, […]

Use Participant Engagement Tools to help build consensus

A week ago, I was hanging out in Halifax, as a participant in the week-long International Association of Facilitator’s annual North America conference.  I was there to connect in-person with some colleagues I’ll be doing some work with, as well as to learn.  And learn I did. I self-refer as a mediator first, and facilitator […]