What if you could work or partner with someone whose behavioural response to conflict always seemed right, no matter the situation? They were assertive when needed. They were nurturing when needed. How unique would that be? You’d love collaborating with that individual, right? What would it take to be that individual? Psychological androgyny Men have […]
Psychologically androgynous individuals make good collaboration partners
Take Ownership: 12 Leadership Principles for Better Workplace Relations
How do you get everyone in your workplace on the same behavioural page? A recent conversation with a local business leader led me to Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win. At first glance, I was reticent to read this book. Yes, the book was about taking ownership, full ownership, of your workplace. […]
Your Conflict Advantage: A workplace success story
Back in October, I was a speaker at a Disrupt HR event in Victoria, to a room full of HR (Human Resource) professionals. The event was capably orchestrated by a well-known local HR firm, Engaged HR, in partnership with Calliope Learning. “Disrupt HR is an information exchange designed to energize, inform and empower people in […]
How to build and scale conflict competency in your small business
There are approximately 400,000 small businesses in British Columbia. Every single one of them will face conflict, of one type or another. Yes, conflict will come. Conflict will most definitely come. If you are a small business owner, why not build your business’ conflict competency now, in preparation for the conflicts that will definitely come […]
Men: Three conflict management strategies to break down stereotypes and improve workplace relationships
Men don’t listen, aren’t in touch with their feelings, want to win (at any cost), abuse their power, are arrogant, are afraid to show weakness, think of nothing but sex, don’t see any gender problem, and so forth. I know and/or consciously intuit that I’ve been labeled with each of those stereotypes, at one time […]