Strategies to reduce the gap between rich and poor, and make stronger communities

    Once in a while I like to take on the problems of the world.  I do this, not (usually!) as an opportunity to rant, rather as an opportunity for conversation, floating ideas, and tagging potential resolutions, which I can then hold out as a place to walk towards.  It helps motivate me, when […]

Social media: An opportunity to change your story and change your life

Your story, your identity, shapes how you live your life.  Change your story and you’ll change the way you live your life.  Social media presents an opportunity to do just that; a place where you can create a new story for yourself, and change your life. Two weeks ago, I participated in an all-day workshop […]

Triangulate conflict to find the sweet spot of resolution

One of my earliest professional gigs was as a land surveyor.  One technique surveyors use is triangulation, finding a position or location based on two other, known fixed points.  Triangulation, i.e., cross-checking, is also a technique used by resolutionaries, such as mediators.  We use multiple sources of information, signals, to locate that sweet spot of […]

Make it safe to fail

A collaborative leader makes it safe to fail and learn, and innovate.  And that’s also what most facilitator and dispute resolution professionals try do too.  As a mediator, I know there is no way people are going to open up, share information, and genuinely explore and resolve the issues unless they feel safe, free from […]

Caring to live with others: A new cohousing community is forming in Victoria

Building community is hard work.  So imagine you are living in a housing complex with 32 neighbours, people whom you care about, socially network, share resources, collaborate on decisions and tasks, practice sustainability, and just plain be in good relationship with.  That’s what lies ahead for you if you become a member of the Fernwood […]