Going with the flow: Nurture your mediator chi with social media

I’m doing a webinar next week (October 22) for Mediate BC.    It’s all about enlisting social media as a path to finding balance and success in our digital age.  It’s oriented to mediators, yet I think it’ll have applicability for facilitators, of all sorts. During the webinar, I’ll take you on a journey; from […]

Virtual Communities of Practice

If you asked Generation Y’ers how they like to learn, odds are it will be “socially”.   And, most of us aren’t all that different.  We do like to get together, at least sometimes, for learning. Getting together to learn.  That’s what ‘communities of practice’ are all about.  A community of practice is a “group of […]

Indie Game Design: A vulnerable place to be

I was doing a bit of prep this week for a presentation/workshop I’m co-delivering in Seattle later this month, with BC mediation colleague, the ever-creative Sharon Sutherland.   Our session will look at the unique potential of ‘digital natives’ in the dispute resolution field, of tomorrow. This all got me thinking about some digital natives, game designers/developers, […]

Ride the waves: How participation in a Twitter chat can benefit you and your community

If you are looking for some experiential social media learning, in a supportive environment, Twitter chats make a good bet. I particularly enjoy the ADRHub.com Twitter chats.  They are held the last Wednesday of each month.  Most of the folks who participate are mediators, and other professionals, who practice non-adversarial approaches to conflict resolution.  We’re […]

Cinnie Noble and the Conflict Coaching Guild on LinkedIn

The coaches coach.  That’s sort of how I think of Cinnie Noble.  I’ve gotten to know Cinnie a bit over the last couple of years, through social media, and via reading her excellent book, Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model. The other day I actually had my first opportunity to chat with Cinnie, via Skype. […]