3 Questions in Your Client's Mind

Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes is a good thing.   And, if you’re a professional service provider, doubly so.   What goes on in your client’s mind?   What triggers them, to feel that they were served well, by you? A current project I’m working on is to create a product that will help professional service […]

A few takeaways from my 2013 Social Media Camp experience

Last week I spent a couple of days at the 4th annual (Victoria) Social Media Camp, “the largest event of its’ kind in Canada”.  It was my second time attending this event.   The focus of the event was social media, obviously.  Yet, attendees, speakers, topics… were diverse. Here’s a baker’s dozen of insights, from some […]

Geek Girls: The Next Dispute Resolution Superheroes?

Fifty years ago there was only a few different communication channels.  If you wanted to have a conversation with someone, you had two basic options; meet in-person or call them on the telephone.  Today, thanks (or no thanks, as the case may be) to technology, your options have increased, a lot… add to the above: email, text, internet […]

Collaboration insights gained through improv training with Dave Morris

Since early March I’ve been attending a basic improvisation class, led by Dave Morris, here in Victoria.  It just wrapped up.  I’ve spent a lot of my life relying on my left brain.  Spending 2 hours a week with 15 others, largely in right brain mode, was something I figured I could handle!  Plus, intuitively I […]

The Hybrid Mediator: Choreographing conversations across communications channels

Facilitating difficult conversations is hard.  And, what’s making it even harder is that it can be difficult to know which communications channel is most appropriate, for the situation-at-hand.  The options seem endless; chat, text, email, phone, video, face-to-face…  Using the wrong channel, at the wrong time, in the wrong way… is, well, not a good […]