Wordcamp Victoria 2009: 25 Reasons it was an outstanding event

Last Saturday, I was a participant in WordCamp Victoria 2009, held at the Victoria campus of University Canada West.  WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress, the popular open-source blogging software.  WordCamps are informal, community-organized events, organized around the world.  Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to […]

Including the "gutter" will help authenticate your organization's story

Scott McCloud understands what makes comics tick.  He’s gained that insight through his work as a comic artist, and his ongoing exploration into the why comics work.  I’ve read a couple of his books Understanding Comics (his best known book and which I highly recommend) and Re-inventing Comics.  His storytelling has shifted to the online […]

10 Metaphors for a Mediator on the journey to settlement

Mediators help people in conflict find their common ground, and build consensus on how to resolve/settle their conflict.  The journey to settlement can follow any number of paths.  Metaphor provides one way that mediators think about their role in that journey. There is much potential with a metaphor.  More than invoking minor changes in behaviour […]

8 Lessons for mediators as learned from the Wayfinders, the greatest navigators ever

This week I’m reading Wade Davis book, The Wayfinders – Why Ancient Wisdom Matter in the Modern World and listening to him on radio, as he delivers this years CBC – 2009 Massey Lectures on the same topic.  Totally fascinating in part because of the persona of the author/lecturer, in part because of the context […]

The ways of "yes, and" is a way to discover your collaborative potential

If there is a better way than a genuine Yes, and to bridge personal differences, I’m open to it! Yes combined with a sincere And (YES/AND), instead of but, opens up a world of potential.  This was hit home again to me last week during a workshop session on games and exercises to stimulate creativity […]

Practising inclusion makes for successful collaborative initiatives in BC's capital region

Practicing inclusion is at the heart of the nationally-recognized Quality of Life Challenge, a collaborative initiative led by the Community Council in Victoria, British Columbia. The Quality of Life Challenge seeks to create a sustainable quality of life for everyone in BC’s Capital Region. What follows comes out of a recent conversation I had over […]

Historical UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Can implementation be far behind?

On September 13, 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  This universal human rights instrument is a symbol of hope for the world’s 370 million indigenous people.  It took 20 years of international negotiations to create this human rights instrument.  Yet, the fun has only begun!  […]

Peeping as information sharing: How much is a good thing?

On my recent assignment with CESO in the Philippines, I made it a priority to give people I worked with a voice; appreciatively inquiring into their stories.  I posted articles, including pictures and videos, to this blog.  All the while, in the back of my mind were questions like Shouldn’t some of this stuff be […]

Some low-cost data visualization tools that can enhance your story telling

We know a good story can give momentum to a vision or idea.  I previously posted here on the utility of data visualization as a way to improve your story telling.  This week I learnt more about data visualization tools from A Consumer’s Guide to Low-Cost Data Visualization Tools, and tried out a couple of […]

Caring about others around the world – another calamity in the Philippines

I don’t know what to say other than more heartbreaking news from the Philippines. Just finished communicating with some people I was working with, in Manila, only a few weeks ago. Over the weekend just passed, they were fighting for their very survival! On Saturday, September 26, a tropical storm brought almost 14 inches of […]