Small Business Owners: How to Build and Sustain a Collaborative Workplace

When you envision your small business five years from now, what do you see? Whether your business has two or 50 employees, your vision more than likely includes growth. A proven pathway to sustainable business growth is through effective collaboration – people working well together – for mutual success. Collaborative Workplace Benefits Positive, collaborative workplaces […]

Collaborative relationships are the foundation of Pacifica Housing’s Private Market Partnerships program

As property values have skyrocketed the last few years where I live, affordable housing has risen to the top of social issues. One of the more progressive local agencies tackling the issue, in a collaborative fashion, is Pacifica Housing. Their mission “is to be a leading innovative provider of affordable and support services that contribute […]

When should your business bring in a collaboration specialist?

It’s lazy of us to only deal with a known challenge after its knocked on our door. If we know the challenge is coming, why not be proactive, and prepare for it? For example, if you run a small business, you know that as you grow your business, and/or face big change or opportunity, getting […]

Island Good – Major Vancouver Island food retail competitors collaborate for VIEA pilot project success

Suppose someone asked you to “prepare a meal using only food products grown, produced or manufactured locally”. Could you do it? What foods would you include? What about if you were asked to prepare meals, using only local produce, for a day, or entire week? That’s the challenge that was undertaken a few years ago […]

Cultivate a ‘critical thinking’ mindset to improve the quality of your work and life

In the 2018 RBC Royal Bank report, Humans Wanted: How Canadian youth can thrive in the age of disruption, active listening, speaking, critical thinking, and reading comprehension are at the top of the list of “projected skills demands, for all occupations”.  IMHO, of those top four “most important” skills, critical thinking doesn’t get enough attention, […]