Archives for March 2012

The Railway Switchman and The Mediator: Your Relationship Guides

  The railway switchman and the mediator. So different, yet so much alike. Both focus on relationships. The switchman: Knows where the trains are coming from Sees where the trains want to go Looks ahead to the crossings and transfer points Safely guides the trains forward to their new destinations Like a switchman, the mediator […]

Looking Back: 30 Lessons for Living from the Wisest Americans

I’m a semi-regular viewer of the PBS Newshour.  I especially enjoy that TV program when it offers up a serendipitous connection.  A recent show did just that.  It included an interview of Karl Pillemer, noted gerontologist, and Professor of Human Development at Cornell University. The interview context was his new book, 30 Lessons for Living: […]

12 Steps to a Life of Extraordinary Collaboration

There is no shortage of big problems facing us today; in our communities, cities, globally!  These problems are complex.  There are many parts to the problem, and how all the parts connect together can be a mystery.  What the solution is, another mystery. What to do? Collaborate. (You knew I’d say that, right?) And, the bigger […]

Cinnie Noble and the Conflict Coaching Guild on LinkedIn

The coaches coach.  That’s sort of how I think of Cinnie Noble.  I’ve gotten to know Cinnie a bit over the last couple of years, through social media, and via reading her excellent book, Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model. The other day I actually had my first opportunity to chat with Cinnie, via Skype. […]

What if an Aboriginal mindset governed Canada?

  The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is coming to my city next month.  Next week its in neighbouring towns.  It’s making the rounds on Vancouver Island.  It’s on a long journey. Why is it here? In the Commission’s own words, For over 100 years in Canada, Aboriginal children were removed from their families […]