Just Enough: Reframing the Paradox of Social Media

Reframing is about changing the game. It’s about how we describe a conflict.  There is no shortage of buzz about a personal conflict many of us wrestle with, our struggle to maintain attention, focus, in a world of digital busyness, the world of social media. Social media is a paradox.  On the one hand, it […]

Henri Lock: Community Connector

For most students attending university, it is a time of great personal exploration.  It was for me. Henri Lock helps university students with their internal explorations.  He also helps them connect their personal passions, interests, values to opportunities in the external world; of people, work, causes, organizations, Henri is United Church Chaplain at the University […]

On being unconditionally constructive

The bible of interest-based conflict resolution may be well be Fisher, Ury & Patton’s book, Getting to Yes.  I’d be surprised if there is a mediator (Western world, anyways) who is not familiar with it. At the heart of Getting to Yes is the message: be unconditionally constructive when it comes to negotiating resolution to […]

Janis La Couvee: Community Connector

I always enjoy a conversation with Janis La Couv’e.  She is involved in many diverse communities, online and offline, here in Victoria.  And, I get the feeling she brings all of her communities, all of her connections, to each conversation, a good thing.  Making connections is what Janis does. Although, I’ve only known her for […]

Meghalaya's Living Bridges: Multi-generation collaboration

In a world of “what’s in it for me” and short-term interests, its uplifting to see another way, a way where an individual’s contribution is not directly linked to final outcome, at least in their life time! Susanna Jani, colleague and author of the BC Distance Family Mediation Blog, thoughtfully, sent me the link to […]