Face To Face: New movie tackles workplace bullying with community conferencing

It’ s always nice when others take hold of concepts that one holds dear. Following on the restorative justice theme over the last week on this blog (and its not even restorative justice week yet!), a new movie was released in Australia last week, “Face To Face“.   It is framed around a centerpiece of restorative […]

Simplify your external world to Amplify your internal world + 5 books to help you

  Collaboration and connecting with others is a beautiful thing, but in the end, creation is done in solitude. All great art is done in isolation. All creative work must be done by shutting out the outside world, sitting down, and creating.  (Leo Babauta, Zen Habits) Nice idea.  Yet, for most of us, immersed in […]

5 Reasons Why Change Happens Through Conversations

Want to change how your family, group, organization, collaboration is working?  Have conversations. It’s through conversations that change happens, and we are transformed. Here’s why: Conversations bring us together. And when we are together, we are much more comfortable with change, personal change, organization change, community change… We can handle anything, as long as we […]

Steven Baileys: Community Connector

Steven Baileys knows how to make people feel welcome, welcome in the room, welcome in the community, welcome in the country. I first met Steven in late 2010.  He was facilitating a workshop on Culturally Welcoming Businesses.  I was an attendee.  My initial impression, of someone who is genuine, sees the upside in others, and […]

What is Community and who are Community Connectors?

According John McKnight and Peter Block, “community” is a general term to describe what occurs outside systems and institutions. It also refers to an aggregation of people or neighbourhoods that have something in common. … and (from John and Peter), characteristic of “community connectors” are people who are:   Gift centred; see the positive, the […]