Virtual Communities of Practice

If you asked Generation Y’ers how they like to learn, odds are it will be “socially”.   And, most of us aren’t all that different.  We do like to get together, at least sometimes, for learning. Getting together to learn.  That’s what ‘communities of practice’ are all about.  A community of practice is a “group of […]

8 Key differences between online and face-2-face facilitation

So much work seems to take place online these days, and that goes for the practice of facilitation, too.  And, each time I facilitate a meeting or mediation online,  I further clue into the truth that online and face-2-face facilitation are different beasts.  It’s easy to get into trouble when we attempt to port what […]

Cultural Gumbo: Collaboration on culturally-diverse teams

Each day, week, month.  I discover how much I still have to learn.  After a recent workshop I gave on conflict management, to Canadian immigrants, at the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria, I’ve upped my belief that getting a grip on cultural differences matters a lot.  And, it matters whenever, and wherever, you find yourself in […]