BP: A reminder of why connection matters

It’s official.  The still unresolved BP accident in the Gulf of Mexico is now the biggest environmental disaster in U.S. history.  Yet, could this also be an opportunity, a momentum-builder for constructive dialogue, about our relationships, with each other, and nature, and a bottom-line where everything connects? I hope so. When we aren’t connected For […]

Musings on peeling the onion and visual thinking

We all have needs. When we’re stuck, dealing with unmet needs can help get things moving forward again. Understanding needs can be like peeling an onion; there are many layers. It may be a bit painful in the peeling, yet good things can happen afterwards, not the least of which is crafting sustainable solutions, as […]

Home is Where The Food Is

Home is Where The Food Is is an animated short film made by Jody Kramer for the 100 Mile Diet Society in Vancouver, BC.  It follows every ingredient of a delicious and simple meal to its source.  It’s a story wonderfully told, and a story of collaboration. This film was shown as part of Food […]

It takes a system to change a system

It takes a system to change a system.  I love that phrase.  I came across it a couple weeks ago when reading British Columbia mediator/lawyer Nancy Cameron’s excellent book Collaborative Practice: Deepening the Dialogue.  This book is a road map for family lawyers making the journey from traditional litigation to collaborative practice. Now, I’m not […]

Rakunks, Hybrid Jobs, Learning Agents, and other speculations on the future

Just finished reading Margaret Atwood‘s new book The Year of the Flood, what Atwood describes as speculative fiction.  She is one of my favourite writers, a Booker Prize winner, and still writing incredible stories at the age of 70! Most of the Flood story takes place in the dystopic near future, in which there aren’t […]