I spent yesterday in Vancouver, at an all-day gathering with my court mediation colleagues. Part information sharing, part community building, always a learning experience… these types of get-together I really enjoy. There were a number of presenters during the day. I was one of them, on the topic of Collaborating on Business Development. That was […]
Grandmothers and Collaborative Learning
[Note: I originally wrote this post, and had it posted a couple of months back, as a guest blogger on Lorie Vela’s excellent Collaboration Ideas blog. Thanks Lorie. With children shortly returning to school, and parents, and others, occupied by thoughts of “good learning”, I thought it might be timely to post it again, here.] […]
10 Dispute Resolution Questions asked by a Rainbow Mediator
There are many ways to resolve disputes. Do a quick global tour of the dispute resolution landscape, and you’ll see just how many. It’s as if there is a rainbow of options. The rainbow mediator acknowledges the diverse approaches to resolution, and incorporates key elements into her/his practice. Kind of a think global, act local. […]
Reduce the gap: Integrate thinking and doing
Sometimes the gap between people seems so big that no common ground exists, no collaborative solution possible. Sort of like the current gap between U.S. Democrat and Republican politicians, negotiating the national debt? Or maybe the gap in a project team, in which teamwork is just a notion? Or, maybe the gap between businesses, or […]
11 Reasons why Grandmothers are good Mediators
Let’s leave our dispute resolution expertise aside for a moment. If I had to package up the skills that a mediator, or anyone tasked with facilitating negotiations, would do well to have, that package might surely remind you of a grandmother you know, or knew. Here’s why: Grandmothers are good at seeing the positive core […]