Restorative Justice: A community response when bad things happen

Bad things happen.  They did to Katy Hutchison on New Year’s Eve in 1997. Her husband Bob was beaten to death while checking on a party being thrown by their neighbour’s son.  It happened in Squamish, a small town just north of Vancouver.  A wall of silence grew up around the murder.  It was four […]

The ways of "yes, and" is a way to discover your collaborative potential

If there is a better way than a genuine Yes, and to bridge personal differences, I’m open to it! Yes combined with a sincere And (YES/AND), instead of but, opens up a world of potential.  This was hit home again to me last week during a workshop session on games and exercises to stimulate creativity […]

Making it easy to build consensus and move forward together

How can I make it easier for people and organizations to build consensus and move forward together?  That’s the question I try keep in front of me, as I go about the day-to-day of my business.  And, here’s a simple mental model I created to help guide me in how I answer that question: This […]

Resolving conflict online vs. offline: similarities and differences

When we collaborate to address and resolve complex issues, those issues can take on a different dynamic when the conversation is online. The capacity to successfully address conflict and build consensus, in both the online and off-line worlds, has value for any organization. I’m currently working with a group of mediators; exploring ways to resolve […]

Building a collaborative project framework

Building a collaborative project framework involves thinking about the connections between how we talk, what we talk about, and what happens afterwards. What kind of infrastructure supports making those connections? Two things I think are essential to structuring collaborative projects are: People need the places and opportunities to have the important conversations Those conversations need […]