A Conflict Management Assessment of Prime Minister Trudeau Incident in Canada’s House of Commons

The House of Commons is the focal point of Canada’s Parliament. It’s where Members of Parliament (MPs), regional representatives, from across Canada, elected by voters, debate issues and vote on bills (draft laws). Last week, an incident, without historical precedent?, involving Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, took place. This news video is a montage of […]

Reframing British Columbia

In my mind, I have a picture of the place we call British Columbia, on Canada’s west coast. If I lived here 150+ years ago, I would have a different picture. Though the land is the same, the borders were different; they’ve been re-framed, many times. In a recent series of videos, former Vancouver Mayor, and current MLA […]

Reflecting on my experiences in the BC Court Mediation Program

Between 2002 and 2015, I worked as a court-based mediator, usually a couple of days a month, in the BC Court Mediation Program (CMP). The program was administered by Mediate BC and funded by the province of British Columbia.  As per this recent Mediate BC tweet, the CMP is closing its’ doors. (In the picture are Lee Turnbull, […]

Becoming a conflict competent leader helps build your emotional intelligence

Your employees want you, as leader, to become more emotionally intelligent. You, on the other hand, think your skill building priorities should focus on technology and finance. Such was the disconnect, between employees and C-Suite executives, as this chart shows from a recent survey of 4,000 professionals, by The Economist. Building emotional intelligence In his […]

Restorative Justice: The people are more than ready for it

I attended my local Restorative Justice society’s AGM last weekend. It was a full house.  My sense is that in my location, and Canada for that matter, the people are more than ready, in a very receptive mood, to an expansion of restorative justice.   Restorative Justice Victoria (RJ Victoria) is a small nonprofit organization – staffed by three […]