Archives for November 2013

Independence or Interdependence: What’s your default when calamity hits?

Disasters happen.  The people of the Philippines know this acutely, right now.   Typhoon Haiyan was a mega-storm.   It had no precedent.  How do people survive in a situation like that?  What will they rely on for survival, in the storm’s aftermath? Reliance on family Well, it didn’t surprise me to read in this weekend’s Globe […]

Infusing a Culture of Mediation into your organization

Organizations with long-standing success often have difficulty in shifting their members culture, when the need arrives.  Bridging the old and new ways requires skilled facilitation and ‘bridging’ skills.   Mediators are specialists in facilitating conversations and building bridges between people. The need for mediation The attributes associated with mediators are often the attributes in short supply […]