Archives for October 2009

The ways of "yes, and" is a way to discover your collaborative potential

If there is a better way than a genuine Yes, and to bridge personal differences, I’m open to it! Yes combined with a sincere And (YES/AND), instead of but, opens up a world of potential.  This was hit home again to me last week during a workshop session on games and exercises to stimulate creativity […]

Practising inclusion makes for successful collaborative initiatives in BC's capital region

Practicing inclusion is at the heart of the nationally-recognized Quality of Life Challenge, a collaborative initiative led by the Community Council in Victoria, British Columbia. The Quality of Life Challenge seeks to create a sustainable quality of life for everyone in BC’s Capital Region. What follows comes out of a recent conversation I had over […]

Historical UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Can implementation be far behind?

On September 13, 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.  This universal human rights instrument is a symbol of hope for the world’s 370 million indigenous people.  It took 20 years of international negotiations to create this human rights instrument.  Yet, the fun has only begun!  […]

Peeping as information sharing: How much is a good thing?

On my recent assignment with CESO in the Philippines, I made it a priority to give people I worked with a voice; appreciatively inquiring into their stories.  I posted articles, including pictures and videos, to this blog.  All the while, in the back of my mind were questions like Shouldn’t some of this stuff be […]

Some low-cost data visualization tools that can enhance your story telling

We know a good story can give momentum to a vision or idea.  I previously posted here on the utility of data visualization as a way to improve your story telling.  This week I learnt more about data visualization tools from A Consumer’s Guide to Low-Cost Data Visualization Tools, and tried out a couple of […]