Home is Where The Food Is is an animated short film made by Jody Kramer for the 100 Mile Diet Society in Vancouver, BC. It follows every ingredient of a delicious and simple meal to its source. It’s a story wonderfully told, and a story of collaboration. This film was shown as part of Food […]
Home is Where The Food Is
The Market on Millstream: A community-oriented hub for food producers and consumers
Increasingly, I find myself thinking about food security, and the people and businesses who support local farmers and food producers. The Market on Millstream is one such business. In late 2009, The Market on Millstream, a local grocery store where I live, was named Canadian Independent Grocer of the Year, in the medium surface category, […]
Ten Thousand Villages: Working with Haitian artisans – past present and future
Ten Thousand Villages is the oldest and largest Fair Trade organization in North America. Through a network of 50 stores in Canada and 150 stores in the United States, Ten Thousand Villages sells artisan-crafted personal accessories, home decor and gift items, from around the globe. Ten Thousand Villages works with artisans, otherwise unemployed or underemployed, […]
Building communities through Story, Music, and Red Fife Wheat
Sharon Rempel advocates for a world that honors cultural traditions, diversity, and abundance, gained through collaboration and caring for each other. She is systems thinker, and wonderful community builder, in ways that acknowledge the historic relationship between people, plant, and place. Sharon is the visionary godmother of today’s Red Fife heritage wheat movement in Canada, […]
Level Ground Trading: Linking sustainability to long-term relationships
You go to the store. You look for the fairly traded coffee. You make the purchase. What now? Who benefits from your purchase? Sure, you’re a satisfied consumer. And, it’s more than just the coffee tasting good. You’ve just, through your purchase, contributed to a making the world a better, fairer place. Really? Have you […]