Religion, Spirituality and Social Media: An evening at Social Media Club Victoria

What are the hardest (or most important?) subjects to talk about? Many would say religion, politics and sex.  Well, last night at the Victoria’s Social Media Club, religion was talked about; openly, and with enthusiasm.  The topic: Religion, Spirituality and Social Media. Leading the discussion were a three-person panel; Venerable Eshu Martin (Abbot) is the […]

Social status and friendship = a pair of opposites

We choose our friends.  And, I’d like to be able to call anybody my friend, even if they are from a different social rank.  Why is this so hard? Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett offer up some insight in the The Spirit Level: Why greater equality makes societies stronger. The big idea Collecting internationally comparable […]

Move closer: Reduce those relationship highs and lows

Relationships have their ups and downs, their highs and lows. For many it can be like an emotional seesaw; when I’m feeling high, you’re on a low, and when you’re riding high, I’m low. And sometimes, those highs and lows can get a bit scary.  If I fall off, what happens to me? What happens […]

Wonder Cafe: Online conversations are changing The United Church of Canada

It’s challenging being a mainstream Christian church these days, in Canada.  Declining membership, aging congregations, questions about relevancy, not to mention dealing with the Indian residential school legacy, witness Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Yet, paradoxically, there is opportunity.  Opportunity to reach out, engage, dialogue, explore new possibilities.  This is the approach The United Church […]

The Magic Relationship Ratio

In relationships, accentuate the positive.  Negative interactions have more clout than positive interactions.  It is not a balanced equation.  You need to have many positive interactions for each negative interaction, if you want a healthy, sustainable relationship! Relationship expert John Gottman sees each of our daily interactions with another person as bids for connection.  By […]