Archives for May 2010

BP: A reminder of why connection matters

It’s official.  The still unresolved BP accident in the Gulf of Mexico is now the biggest environmental disaster in U.S. history.  Yet, could this also be an opportunity, a momentum-builder for constructive dialogue, about our relationships, with each other, and nature, and a bottom-line where everything connects? I hope so. When we aren’t connected For […]

Victoria's Family Collaborative Law Group: Raising the bar on ways to manage family conflict

The Collaborative Family Law Group (CFLG) is a Victoria-based interdisciplinary group of independent professionals, whose mission is to encourage and promote a new process to create positive solutions for people in conflict and families in transition. Indeed that’s why I’m a fan of theirs. Recently I attended, as a guest, one of the regular monthly […]

Musings on peeling the onion and visual thinking

We all have needs. When we’re stuck, dealing with unmet needs can help get things moving forward again. Understanding needs can be like peeling an onion; there are many layers. It may be a bit painful in the peeling, yet good things can happen afterwards, not the least of which is crafting sustainable solutions, as […]

Surprises in mediation can be a good thing

As a mediator or facilitator, its easy to feel you’re in total control of the process.  Don’t hold that thought too tight though!  Sometimes, giving co-ownership of the process, over to the people in conflict, can lead to surprising results.  It doesn’t matter if it was your intention or it happens spontaneously, letting go can […]

Break bread together: A rule of thumb for good collaboration

Have a meal together. Why it matters Eating together helps people connect; helps bond individuals into a collaborative whole. It doesn’t matter what it is that you do, you need something to bring the team together, something that says we’re special, we value each other, and we’re in this together. Food, dress, ceremony, celebration, rituals are […]