The Thank You Game

A couple of years ago, I learned about The Thank You Game via local mediator colleague, Julia Menard. Thank you Julia! I thought it appropriate to share it, given it’s Thanksgiving Day in the US, today.

Julia credits the McGonigal sisters, Kelly McGonigal (health psychologist) and Jane McGonigal (game designer) for the idea. The McGonigal sisters teamed up to create something they call the Thank You Game. Here’s a promo clip for the game, from the McGonigals:

(Video not displaying? Watch it here, on YouTube)

From Julia:

“The intention of the Thank you Game is to help increase the practice of gratitude in a playful way (as a game!). Kelly’s research highlighted that the health benefits of gratitude increase exponentially when we express our gratitude and not just feel it.

Presumably, one would want to express gratitude for its own sake – not just because you can reduce stress, get a better sleep, and boost your immune function.  Strengthening the habit of gratitude also opens our heart and nurtures more compassion. But the fringe benefits help!

Kelly and Jane put together a simple three-step process to help people express their gratitude with more authenticity, connection, and impact….

Here it is:

  1. Find the Benefit:  What good came to you as a result of the person you are thanking (how did that help you)?
  2. Acknowledge the Effort:  What might have been hard for the person you are thanking?
  3. Spot the Strength: What good did you see in the person you were thanking?”

Of course, making this a daily ritual is going to change most of us. Good luck!

I know a few people  who have the Thank You Game down pat. They are admired, and successful, in their communities. Coincidence?

Thank you Julia for sharing the Thank You Game. It  gave me insight into the potential of a Thank You. I know the Game was something you had only just begun to appreciate and practice. Yet, your unreserved sharing of it was, and is, indicative of  your generosity, and the positive messages you continually put forward.

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