Peninsula Co-op: A business that primes local connections, economy and community

It’s summertime. Setting aside the smoke from distant forest fires that currently hover over my city, summertime is a usually a good time to head out-of-town. When gas is involved, my go-to gas station is Peninsula Co-op. Why Peninsula Co-op? I’m a Peninsula Co-op member, which makes me a part owner. In co-operatives, members are […]

Collaborative relationships are the foundation of Pacifica Housing’s Private Market Partnerships program

As property values have skyrocketed the last few years where I live, affordable housing has risen to the top of social issues. One of the more progressive local agencies tackling the issue, in a collaborative fashion, is Pacifica Housing. Their mission “is to be a leading innovative provider of affordable and support services that contribute […]

Golf and Community go hand-in-hand at Cedar Hill in Saanich

One of my favourite places where I live is Cedar Hill Golf Course, aka Saanich Municipal Golf Course. Not only is it a golf course, open to the public, its a true community place, serving the local residents in many different ways. Last week, early on a cool summer morning, I met with Craig Rencher, […]

Six Christian Principles for Fruitful Collaborative Relationships

My wife works for a church. Through her work, she subscribes to the CCCC Bulletin, a periodical publication of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.  She shared a recent edition with me, knowing it included a worthy piece on collaboration. Thank you, dear! Christian Collaboration: 6 Principles In the April 2018 publication of the CCCC […]

Psychologically androgynous individuals make good collaboration partners

What if you could work or partner with someone whose behavioural response to conflict always seemed right, no matter the situation? They were assertive when needed. They were nurturing when needed. How unique would that be? You’d love collaborating with that individual, right? What would it take to be that individual? Psychological androgyny Men have […]