Relationships have their ups and downs, their highs and lows. For many it can be like an emotional seesaw; when I’m feeling high, you’re on a low, and when you’re riding high, I’m low. And sometimes, those highs and lows can get a bit scary. If I fall off, what happens to me? What happens […]
The Magic Relationship Ratio
In relationships, accentuate the positive. Negative interactions have more clout than positive interactions. It is not a balanced equation. You need to have many positive interactions for each negative interaction, if you want a healthy, sustainable relationship! Relationship expert John Gottman sees each of our daily interactions with another person as bids for connection. By […]
Musings on peeling the onion and visual thinking
We all have needs. When we’re stuck, dealing with unmet needs can help get things moving forward again. Understanding needs can be like peeling an onion; there are many layers. It may be a bit painful in the peeling, yet good things can happen afterwards, not the least of which is crafting sustainable solutions, as […]
Break bread together: A rule of thumb for good collaboration
Have a meal together. Why it matters Eating together helps people connect; helps bond individuals into a collaborative whole. It doesn’t matter what it is that you do, you need something to bring the team together, something that says we’re special, we value each other, and we’re in this together. Food, dress, ceremony, celebration, rituals are […]
Break down those silos and re-build from above and below
Trying to get everyone on the same page? As long as your team members stay in their silos, your job will be next to impossible. To break down the thick walls between silos, build on the things all silos have in common: the sky above (vision) and the ground below (values). The silos metaphor is […]