Webinar on Virtual Collaboration – December 8, 2016 with Charity Village

This Thursday, December 8, I’m partnering with Charity Village on a (free) webinar on virtual collaboration. Register here.


CharityVillage is the Canadian nonprofit sector’s largest and most popular online resource for recruiting, news and how-to information.

As a flavour of what’s in the webinar, I wrote this article,  High-context communications in a low-context virtual world, for this week’s Charity Village newsletter.

Webinar topics I cover include:

  • How to interact virtually in ways that enhance interpersonal communications and relationships
  • Essential tools for your virtual collaboration toolbox
  • Choosing the appropriate virtual conferencing platform
  • Strategies and tips for facilitating virtual boards, teams, and difficult conversations
  • Guidelines for distance partnering
  • Building your virtual collaboration capacity

The webinar isn’t just for the nonprofit sector. It will also be of interest to organizations with multiple locations and managers of virtual employees. Hope you can join us for the webinar. I draw on a range of personal interests and experiences – my take on working virtually!

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