A mediation is like a good holiday.  Here’s why… —————————————————————- A weekend vacation trip does not give enough time to find the holiday ”sweet spot”. Bruce Kirkby wrote a great article in last weekend’s Globe & Mail about the holiday ”sweet spot”.  As a veteran outdoors trip guide, he knows all about the magic and […]


10 Holiday Gift Book Ideas for the "Mediator" in Your Life

I enjoy reading books.  They are a safe way to explore the ideas and works of others.  And, a really good book is inspiring.  It seems to connect on a personal and emotional level; a connection that can motivate one to further thought and action. Here are ten of the books I read in 2011, […]

Silence: Pattern Interruptus

When conflict is all around, resolution seems distant, and the voices ring loud, sometimes the best way forward is to say nothing silence. As a mediator, I’ve found silence can be an effective pattern interrupt technique, a way to break impasse, especially if the parties in a dispute aren’t listening well, are locked onto negativity, […]

10 Diverse ways to build your capacity to appreciate the Other

My first blogging inclination this week was to write a glorious followup to a post I wrote a year ago, on strategies to reduce the income inequality gap.  Getting into it, I quickly discovered I may have overstretched myself.  Rather than snap, I humbly offer this alternative…   It is through our shared disconnection, that […]

The Many Perspectives on Aging

A lot happens on the edges.  As we get close to the far edge of our life, it’s an opportunity to look back, and reflect on what happened, and be true to oneself. Listening and interacting with older people (older than me, anyways) or my elders, as I prefer to relate to them, can be […]