Midwives and Mediators: Facilitating new beginnings

Midwives and mediators have much in common.  I’m convinced. Last week I read Ami McKay‘s excellent, and popular, novel, The Birth House. Set in small town Nova Scotia in the early 20th century, the story initially orients around an elder midwife, and her young protege.  Using traditional herbs and remedies, they help local women through […]

Looking ahead: How would Seth Godin market mediation?

Almost 5 years ago, Seth Godin wrote a post about the challenges of marketing climate change.  In that post, he said: “It doesn’t matter what you market. Human beings want: – totems and icons – meters (put a real-time mpg or co2 meter in every car and watch what happens) – fashion – stories – […]

Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life: Video Book Review

Compassion is an attitude.  It’s principled and consistent concern for another. It’s about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, feeling their pain, as though it where your own, and entering generously into their point of view.  It’s not about pity or feeling sorry for someone else. To be compassionate is to live the golden rule; […]

Does your professional title of "mediator" limit you?

You’ve been plugging away for a while now, as a mediator.  The business isn’t flowing in.  You feel like you’re in a dip.  All factors considered, perhaps the way you describe your work role, or the way others see your professional title, is just not a motivator, for anybody? Perhaps you need a more compelling vision […]

First things first: The "Fairway" to mediating divorce

Nothing like following through on an idea, that’s what Karen Stewart did after an ugly divorce.  Her personal experiences led her to starting Fairway Divorce Solutions, an alternative common sense approach to dealing with family divorce.  An approach where the order of resolution matters, a lot!Others seem to agree, as Fairway Solutions is now being […]