Home is Where The Food Is is an animated short film made by Jody Kramer for the 100 Mile Diet Society in Vancouver, BC. It follows every ingredient of a delicious and simple meal to its source. It’s a story wonderfully told, and a story of collaboration. This film was shown as part of Food […]
Archives for March 2010
It takes a system to change a system
It takes a system to change a system. I love that phrase. I came across it a couple weeks ago when reading British Columbia mediator/lawyer Nancy Cameron’s excellent book Collaborative Practice: Deepening the Dialogue. This book is a road map for family lawyers making the journey from traditional litigation to collaborative practice. Now, I’m not […]
The good farmer: An expert in relationships and sustainability
There is a view of farmers that I believe seriously undervalues their value, in the bigger scheme of things. I’ve thought this for a long time. It goes back to my early years living on my late Dad’s farm. He grew crops and raised pigs for market. Yet; he was also a German Jewish intellectual, […]
Gift the "open source' spirit to your next collaboration
Open Source is both a way of working together and a state-of-mind. Typically associated with an approach to software development, it’s also a philosophy, and something I think aligns with a spirit of generosity and authentic collaboration, even if your project is not focused on software development. The Open Source spirit Brian Behlendorf is a […]