Crowdsourcing: A viable approach for building your organization's storytelling capacity

In my post last week I talked about Cloud computing, and new ways organizations are using external service providers to address their computer application needs.  How does storytelling fit into that mix?  Given stories can be one of your organization’s most important knowledge assets, what new opportunity is out there for building your storytelling capacity?  […]

Look to the "clouds" to satisfy your collaboratives' computer application needs

Collaborative partnerships come and go.  Setting up and maintaining ICT (information and communication technologies) infrastructure to support each of those collaborations can bring on a serious headache.  Adopting a cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) approach can alleviate that headache.  It’s (adopting) what I’m doing and so far so good! The concept While […]

Constellation Collaboration: an inspired model for multi-organizational collaboration

The Constellation Collaboration Model offers an inspiring, and sensible, framework for organizations to come together, create partnership, and realize mutual objectives.  It is the vision of Tonya Surman and Mark Surman, and builds on their work with the Centre for Social Innovation, “a social enterprise with a mission to catalyze social innovation”, based in Toronto, […]

Relying on your intuition may be your best decision in times of uncertainty

As a mediator, I often rely on my intuition as a guide in the heat of conflict.  I never really understood how intuition worked though until I read Gerd Gigerenzer’s book, Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious.  A superstar in the psychology of decision making, Gigerenzer thinks relying on your gut feelings (a.k.a. intuition […]

20 Ways to physically structure your office for collaboration

  Structure influences behaviour. How we design and build our offices will influence the way we work together. I just finished community expert Peter Block’s book Community: The Structure of Belonging. Combining some of the ideas presented in his book, along with a few other sources (also noted in this post), I thought it would […]