Caring about others around the world – another calamity in the Philippines

I don’t know what to say other than more heartbreaking news from the Philippines. Just finished communicating with some people I was working with, in Manila, only a few weeks ago. Over the weekend just passed, they were fighting for their very survival! On Saturday, September 26, a tropical storm brought almost 14 inches of […]

Acknowledge your thoughts then say "hello": A good strategy for working abroad

Just back in Canada after a six week assignment in the Philippines, with the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), working as a Volunteer Advisor to the e-Governance for Municipal Development (eGov4MD) project.  Orchestrated by the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP), the project exemplifies the potential of collaboration (see my post 27 Ways Filipinos […]

How all things connect: Adapting to unintended consequences in Hagonoy, Philippines

Rice farming was the main agricultural activity in Hagony, a Philippines coastal community, at least up to the 1980s. It was around that time that the salinity of the water started to rise; eventually to levels unacceptable for growing rice. Many believe the salinity increase stems from drainage canals and dikes built in the 1970s […]

27 ways Filipinos create successful, collaborative e-Governance projects

From a global perspective, the Philippines is seriously lacking in financial resources.Of course this presents a major challenge to project delivery.Yet, increasingly I’m appreciating other ways, beyond the allocation of more funds, which contribute to project success. As I see it in practice, here in the Philippines, at the heart of those other ways are […]

Personal paths intersect on e-Government project in San Felipe, Philippines

The project team has been assembled and sprung into action. Each team member brings their own personal stories to the project. I thought I’d briefly share the stories of three people I’ve met this week; Frederick Torres, Elsie Alip and Mark Nery. All are members of the eBPLS (e-Business Permit & Licensing System) project in […]