On my recent assignment with CESO in the Philippines, I made it a priority to give people I worked with a voice; appreciatively inquiring into their stories. I posted articles, including pictures and videos, to this blog. All the while, in the back of my mind were questions like Shouldn’t some of this stuff be […]
Caring about others around the world – another calamity in the Philippines
I don’t know what to say other than more heartbreaking news from the Philippines. Just finished communicating with some people I was working with, in Manila, only a few weeks ago. Over the weekend just passed, they were fighting for their very survival! On Saturday, September 26, a tropical storm brought almost 14 inches of […]
Acknowledge your thoughts then say "hello": A good strategy for working abroad
Just back in Canada after a six week assignment in the Philippines, with the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), working as a Volunteer Advisor to the e-Governance for Municipal Development (eGov4MD) project. Orchestrated by the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP), the project exemplifies the potential of collaboration (see my post 27 Ways Filipinos […]
When the unexpected happens: Calamity in Botolan, Philippines
I should have been in Botolan this week, assisting that Municipality on an e-Governance project. Instead I’m in Manila. Just the day before I was to arrive in Botolan (I was staying in a neighbour municipality, Subic), calamity struck in the form of a flood brought on by Typhoon Kiko. So here I am posting […]
The Soloist: A story about good intentions, letting go, and other important things
A few days ago, I saw The Soloist; a fascinating movie about friendship, mental illness, music, family, homelessness, community dysfunction, and more. This movie engaged me on a number of personal fronts, including conflict management, music, and community building. One way it especially touched me was that it reminded me that even though we may […]