10 Big Picture community collaborations in Victoria that support the family

In Victoria there are many examples of people working together, i.e., collaborating, with the big picture in mind. I have a soft spot for these collaborations.  My experience is they are usually community-oriented.  They bring diverse peoples and groups together, bridge multiple interests, and work for a healthier community, for all.  These collaborations are systems thinking.

Here are ten different personal/community situations.  And for each, an example of a local service organization (many of which I’ve previously profiled on this blog) taking a big picture collaborative approach to serving those individuals/communities.  These are organizations worth getting to know and support.

  1. Young offender: Restorative Justice Victoria; Bringing together offender, victim, family, supporters, community and justice system reps, to talk it out in a circle, recognizing the long tail for conflict prevention
  2. Young mom: Community Kitchen at Saanich Neighbourhood Place; moms (mostly) cooking (sometimes with young helpers!), sharing, learning together, while their tots are looked after, nearby
  3. Low income: Quality of Life Challenge; a Community Council initiative practicing inclusion and advocating for a living wage
  4. Abusive relationship: Victoria Women’s Transition House; addressing the needs of women in abusive relationships; advocacy, housing, children, navigating the various systems (legal, medical, financial)
  5. Family break-up: Collaborative Family Law Group; an interdisciplinary group of independent professionals working together to create positive solutions for divorcing couples and their children
  6. Homeless: Our Place; for the most vulnerable citizens; providing supportive housing, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nourishment; outreach services; all in partnership with many community organizations
  7. Disabled: The Cridge Centre for the Family; the longest serving non-profit society in BC, providing social services and care to people of all ages, including those with brain injuries
  8. Family caregiver: Family Caregivers Network; networking community resources to support individuals and their families
  9. Elderly: Victoria Hospice; connecting patients, families, professionals, volunteers to ease the end-of-life
  10. New immigrant: Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria; combining the arts and social services to address the needs of immigrants, and to promote cultural diversity

What big picture family-oriented community collaboration would you like others to know about? Got a link?

Photo credit: ICA website

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