Conflict for the holidays

Happy holidays! At these times, the usual daily routines seem to be temporarily suspended, and modified with extra family time, neighbourhood socials, community happenings, and temptations… too numerous.

Oh, and yes, conflict too.  Yet, I’m not going to go there, at least not in the usual way.

I love what different cultures have to offer.  So, here’s a few videos (thank you YouTube) that speak of conflict, with tongue-in-cheek.  Humour from Norway, the United States, and an apropos ditty from the United Kingdom.  I’m guessing most of you can relate to the content in these, in some way or another.  I hope they go with your flow.

I intend these videos as a holiday chuckle.  Also, maybe incorporate one or more, in your own creative way, into your next training and/or conflict coaching workshop? (I have)

All the best to you and your loved ones.

Cheers, Ben

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing those. Life is wonderful when we share our gratitude feelings.

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