Collaborative Journeys at 100

This is my 100th blog post on Collaborative Journeys. Whoopee! I started blogging in January 2009. I promised myself I’d stick it out for one year. I’m still at it. I’m hoping that’s a good thing, for both you (the reader) and me!

Blogging is not my job. I don’t get paid for doing it. Yet, it does provide me with opportunities; to connect and converse with interesting people; to distil and share ideas I believe in; to promote collaborative people, organizations and communities, and to expand my professional network and profile.

Even though I’m a minnow in an ocean of bloggers, I appreciate each comment, each email, each interaction with you the reader. Thank you! It is energizing.

Some blog stats

Just the facts… My first post was January 30, 2009. I’ve posted regularly, usually once per week. Sometimes twice. Currently, 30 people subscribe to my blog. Since inception, there have been approximately 8,000 unique visitors to my blog, and 400+ comments.  Here’s what those visitor numbers squiggle out as on my Analytics timeline:


Some popular posts…

To-date, the 5 most viewed posts, measured by # of unique visitors, are:

Other popular posts include:

For the last year, I’ve also been dabbling in video. To-date, I’ve posted 20+ on my YouTube channel, Collaborativeways.  The most viewed have been:

Looking ahead

  • What topics interest you most on this blog?
  • Do you prefer the ideas/techniques/tips stuff or the stories/profiles?
  • What “something” would you like me to do more of, on this blog?

Let me know byleaving a comment or contacting me by email. Thanks, Ben


Photo credit: My Buffo


  1. Congrats Ben! I’m a big fan. Keep up the great work.

  2. Ben
    I have learned much from you so when you ask about what we’d most like to read from you let me say – whatever tickles your soul and mind. I enjoy your stories from your life which you turn into lessons…. your journey 🙂

  3. Paul… Thanks. I’ll try keep it going.

    Kare, Thanks for your support. It’s nice to share (and reciprocate) with kindred spirits.

  4. Woww, Congratulations and thank you so much for a well done job! I’ll be reading and learning from you.

  5. Thanks Lorie. It’s nice to connect with you – another advocate for good collaboration.

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