Picture Collaboration: An Illustrated Guide for Working Together to Solve Problems

People work together, collaborate, to solve problems.   Yet, more often than not, the way to problem:solved comes with an array of challenges to navigate; negativity, uncertainty, silos, command and control, time, conflict, limited options, bad habits… obstacles to overcome.

break impasse

Picture Collaboration

So, how do we collaboratively get from here to there?  How do we think and act collaboratively, together?

In our attention-deficit world, words alone never seem to cut it.  We revel in images, photographs, sketches, videos…  Our brain is a visual processing dynamo.   We draw meaning through the visual; whether it’s the face of a potential mate, or the marketing of a product.

That’s why I collaborated with graphics recorder Tanya Gadsby (Drawing Out Ideas) to create Picture Collaboration: An Illustrated Guide for Working Together to Solve Problems.   We can habituate ourselves to good collaboration through visual literacy.

Picture Collaboration: An Illustrated Guide for Working Together to Solve Problems


Imagine driving along a winding, mountain highway.   There are road signs everywhere.  They signal what’s ahead; a curvy road, a steep descent, falling rocks…   Sometimes, the road sign is only a picture.  No words.   We get the message, though.   Driver, beware!    We’ve learned and internalized the message.  It’s a habit, second nature.  We see the sign.  We act accordingly.  And, we arrive safely at our destination, as intended.

Now, imagine those signs are for good collaboration!  And, your destination is your problem, solved.  That’s the concept behind Picture Collaboration, the e-book.

What’s in Picture Collaboration?

Picture Collaboration provides 23 collaborative signposts, visual cues, for your journey ahead. Through icons, illustrations and text, Picture Collaboration is your collaborative journeys guide.

Picture Collaboration Icons

Picture Collaboration is for facilitators, both those who facilitate full-time, and those for whom facilitation is just part of what they do; project managers, coaches, trainers, mediators, consultants, leaders, teachers… Go ahead, bust those silos!

Picture Collaboration - Bust Silos icon

bust silos

Did you know?

Speaking visually is #2 on JWT Intelligence’s  “10 Trends that will shape our world in 2014 and beyond” list.  (JWT is one of the world’s leading brand marketing agencies)

With Picture Collaboration, and using icons and smart visuals to drive meaning and action, you are at the forefront of that visual wave.

Get Picture Collaboration

Download (free) the first few chapters of Picture Collaboration

Purchase Picture Collaboration  (Kindle edition) on Amazon.  Cost is $4.99.

Picture Collaboration is also now available on other major e-book retailers; including iBooks, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and Sony.

Call to Action

I want to hear from you about Picture Collaboration, and the role of icons and visuals, in your world.  I intend to collect and freely share feedback that I receive, about Picture Collaboration.

To help me/us, please consider doing one or more of the following:

  1. leave feedback on this site;  preferably in the comment box at the bottom of this post
  2. leave an online review of Picture Collaboration; e.g., on Amazon.com, here
  3. share Picture Collaboration on social media, or other communication channels you use

I hope the visuals and explanations in this Guide act as a catalyst for you; to creatively learn and apply, your way.  Please!  The world needs more people fluent in the art and practice of collaboration.

Headshot_Tanya Gadsby

Tanya Gadsby


Picture Collaboration is a collaboration between myself and Tanya Gadsby, a graphic recorder and visualization specialist.   I originally came up with the idea for this e-book in 2011.  It wasn’t until I connected with Tanya, though, that it got done.  I am grateful to Lorne Daniel of Rethink Urban, for connecting me with Tanya, and promoting Picture Collaboration, too!

More about Tanya: In addition to her talents as a graphic recorder, Tanya knows collaboration, and is a facilitator in her own right.   Her illustrations are unique, emotive and connective.  They have influenced my thoughts and truly capture the collaborative spirit. Pictures are worth a lot of words.

You can reach Tanya through her website, Drawing Out Ideas.   Tanya is @DrawingOutIdeas on Twitter.