The assignment
I was contacted by a company in the construction business, to help them address issues related to workplace conflict.
Work done
A situation assessment was conducted.
Through initial meetings with the company personnel, a number of conflict-related issues were identified; including issues of: personal safety, trust, professionalism, decision-making process, accountability, and corporate culture.
The consensus was that the workplace would become increasingly “toxic”, unless those issues were addressed. The good news was that though their were many issues, they were largely interrelated, and involved only a small number of people. All parties felt the workplace atmosphere would improve, if the issues were addressed, head-on.
Focusing on key issues, further conversations with affected personnel were held, both one-on-one and as a group. As appropriate, I employed psychometric tools to help individuals better understand their hot buttons and behaviours, when faced with conflict.
I coached individuals, and helped them articulate constructive intentions and actions; leading to a deescalation of the immediate conflict.
In the longer-term, the company determined that it wanted it’ leaders and staff to become increasingly conflict ‘competent’; skilled in maximizing constructive behaviours (in which tensions ease and conflict is resolved), and minimizing destructive behaviours (in which tensions escalate and conflict is prolonged).
I provided guidance and support towards that goal.